Can you put yourself first?

Hey there!

In talking to a couple of my wonderful friends lately, it seems to me there is some struggle around not letting other people affect you so much. Why is it hard to say no to your mother? Why do you care that someone may not like you?

What’s happening here, in my opinion, is that you leave yourself behind anytime you go against what you want.

If you take some time before making decisions to figure out what works for you first, you will feel better. Why are you making other people more important than yourself?

Here’s the worst thing. You do the thing you don’t want to do (for someone else) and then you think it’s the other person's fault. Or you complain about how awful that person is. Nope, sorry. I have to be blunt here. The reason you feel bad is because you hijacked yourself and made someone else more important than yourself.

Now, how about if you get the feeling someone doesn’t like you? My first question is, why do you need them to like you? Of course we’d all feel better if we could all just get along, but there are too many people in the world for that. Plus we wouldn’t have time to be friends with everyone anyway.

Perception shift: instead of wanting people to like you, go find out who you like. And then stick with the ones that feel good. Pretty simple huh?

Just pick your own people. Focus on the ones you want to talk to. The ones you're attracted to. This is about energy. Not all people are meant to be in your circle. Of course be kind, but just know not everyone out there is. Send the mean ones love (they really do need it), and carry on your way.

Walk into a room and if there are 50 people there will be 50 interpretations of who you are. If you care about what other people think of you, you have work to do. Ask yourself where this is coming from? The only approval you need is from yourself. And if you can’t do this on your own, get some support from someone you know that lives like this.

You owe nothing to anyone.

Gotta run to a party, did this note feel rushed. I kind of just blurted it out. Haha.

Now go to your parties with this attitude and you’ll have a great time!! 💃

All my love to ya
K 💛

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

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