You choose your circle


Have you ever just sat back and realized how different people are? It makes me laugh a little when I witness for example, the helpfulness in some, and then the opposite in others. 

I realize and love that there are so many different types of people. Some are open, some closed. Introverts, extroverts. Talkers, listeners. Generous, stingy. More experienced, less experienced. I realize it’s not completely this black and white and there are many shades of grey. But I think who you enjoy being with is a bit unexplainable, it's just a feeling.

New people are always being brought together, whether you want it or not - friends bring different friends to a party, or a family member brings in a new person to the group, or a new coworker joins the team… it’s so interesting to watch and learn about the newbie! One of two things cross my mind:

  1. There are times I must tolerate. I’ve had ‘people around my campfire’ that I am just like, nope, not my people. And it's so good because although I am kind and I really do love meeting new people for many reasons, it also really makes me appreciate the people in my regular life. 

  2. Everyone gets to choose their own circle.

You get the choice to have in your life, the people who feel good to be around. 

I love my people, who share openly and want to grow.  Our senses of humor meld and we laugh a lot. Helpful people who like to cook (haha) and plan things. We are interested in each other's life and ask questions. It’s easy and happy. And I want these people to stay. 😇 

(Family can be included in this group, but not if they don’t feel good to be around).

I hope you have a wonderful community . 

You are the creator and chooser of who is in your life. 

The next best thing is, you can always change it. That could be a whole other topic actually….hmmm ;)

I enjoy the banter - Do you have the right people for you in your circle? Let me know!

Take care of you today, 

❤️ Kristi


Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

Beauty - inside and out!


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