My guidance for a life well-lived.

I hope it resonates.

Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Why venting doesn't work

When you think about your emotions, so often they evolve out of your many different experiences. Good ones help you feel good, and the not so good can leave you feeling bad.

This is not to suggest pushing away your feelings, but to keep in mind, as James Redfield says, ‘where attention goes, energy flows.’

So in one part, definitely honor the feeling. The next part is to get off the topic (unless this is a good feeling - then milk it for every delicious morsel)!

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Feel a shift coming!

Have you ever had days when you just didn’t feel right? You were off. Like not as good as you are used to, and not sure why. Of course you have. My setpoint is actually quite high so when I’m not feeling ‘high’ it’s really obvious. But here’s what I’ve noticed - here’s what is happening - A big shift is coming! It’s like you just figured something out. Like an awakening.

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