My guidance for a life well-lived.

I hope it resonates.

Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

I’ve missed you!

I met a few new friends and I’ve been asking for that, as my original best friend group has changed over the last couple of years. So I had some space! Isn’t it refreshing and exhilarating to meet someone who just ‘gets’ you? And never mind me. This woman talked just as much as me, she’s intelligent and interesting and just ‘too much for Hollywood’ (haha her saying). Which describes her perfectly. I’m so grateful.

The thing about getting what you want is trusting it will come in the right perfect time. And the how? Well that’s just not something you need to worry about.

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Do you 'diet?' Try this instead

I realize, there is a ton of information on this topic already, in a world that I believe is far too focused on our external image. I won’t give my two cents on diet and exercise often, but I figured I’d hit on this one anyway, because hey, health and wellness is an important topic. 

What I do works for me. Your work is to find out what works for you.

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