I’ve missed you!

Hello hello my darling!

I hope this email finds you more than well. And if not, that’s OK too.

I had a real break this summer. From work to working out!

I met a few new friends and I’ve been asking for that, as my original best friend group has changed over the last couple of years. So I had some space! Isn’t it refreshing and exhilarating to meet someone who just ‘gets’ you? And never mind me. This woman talked just as much as me, she’s intelligent and interesting and just ‘too much for Hollywood’ (haha her saying). Which describes her perfectly. I’m so grateful.

The thing about getting what you want is trusting it will come in the right perfect time. And the how? Well that’s just not something you need to worry about. I’m at a boat access only cabin on the lake, and yet we found each other! (Of course she had been asking for me also, and voila!) Just like the magic I so often talk about. Maybe you wouldn’t call a new amazing friend magic, but I sure do.

My wonderful mom was with me all summer (side note: you know you’ve done your work and are highly skilled when you can be around your mother for a whole summer and only get triggered a couple times! High five to me!). ✋ (And to you mama).

Anyway, I noticed she kept saying it’s hard to meet new people once you get older. (That’s an old belief I gently reminded her, and can be changed). She said, everyone has ‘their people’ already. She’s not totally wrong (no right, wrong, good or bad), but look at my experience. I’m sure you can relate. Or maybe you need to grab a brush and comb out someone who is no longer a match to your journey. 🤷 Or, maybe they have done this to you? It goes both ways you see.

Either way, whatever you believe, you will be right.

P.S. The truth is, she is actually meeting a ton of new people at the golf course she now lives on, so I laugh quietly at some of her old beliefs. So cute.

Sooooo, as I come in hot, from my summer of quiet bliss, I am excited to dive fully into my work and connect with my peeps. I’m excited for my year ahead which I expect will be full of travel, cool experiences and adventures. Why? Because that’s what I feel is coming up. Desire + belief (trust) = intuition. There’s a new formula I just made up!

So how are you doing? What are your desires for the year ahead? Screw New Years. Start now!

If you reply to me what your desires are, it’ll become real, you’ll become accountable and then you’ll be responsible. That’s how great results are achieved. The desire is just the beginning. 💃🕺

As always my love,

K 💛

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!


Life’s BIG Questions


Taking a summer break!