My guidance for a life well-lived.

I hope it resonates.

Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Are you brave?

I had to share this with you. Marie Forleo interviewed the Brené Brown on trust and bravery. If you haven’t heard of Brené, I strongly recommend watching or reading some of her stuff. She is the queen of vulnerability and her info is based on sheer research data.  

She uses the BRAVING acronym to explain how to stay connected to yourself and others. There are 7 elements to trust - they are observable and measurable.

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Boundaries vs Acceptance

When someone has hurt you, or they do something that really bugs you, do you set a boundary, or do you just accept them? Here’s my take:

A boundary is a rule or guideline for how someone is to behave towards you and a response by you when that rule isn’t adhered to.

Acceptance is allowing another to show up just as they are. There may be things you don’t love about them but you accept them without trying to change them. Their good is so good you’re able to overlook their flaws. SIDE NOTE: (where you decide to focus is what you’ll notice the most - so be kind and keep your attention on what you love about your peeps). 😊

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