The importance of Dads

Well hello!

Dads are very influential in the raising of a child.

From providing safety to financial support, they are providers.

For me, coming from a traditional and secure home, my dad provided a strong foundation for my family. I (compassionately) witness not all people have come from this kind of stability. And I’m sorry for that.

For young sons, a father is the ultimate hero. Sons just want to be like their dads. They are watching their every move and will try to emulate them. How powerful. For daughters, a father is the first man that loves her tender heart and is a safety net like no other.

In today’s world, a family home is not always so ‘traditional,’ but children still need their fathers. Maybe now more than ever.

It saddens me a great deal to see wonderful loving fathers be alienated from their children because the parents won’t heal their shit and get over themselves and their past. Who pays? The children. So sad.

How a husband treats his partner/wife (or ex-wife) is creating a lens from which a child will view from. They can learn respect or the opposite. How to treat people and how to be treated. This impacts a child’s whole life. Again, powerful.

A good father teaches ethics, shares wisdom, and creates strong children. A bad father can create insecure children who don’t feel good enough and can allow their ego to run the show. This creates weak children.

Regardless of the man you were raised by, you can do better. We can all do better than the previous generation. Dad’s are on it today! Way more hands on than my dad ever was. Unfortunately, there are so many split homes, children aren’t as influenced by these great guys as often. But maybe the time they do have with them is more quality? Who’s to say really? Here we are.

Dads help prepare kids for the challenges and rules of life. They bring the ‘hard’ skills to a moms ‘softer’ skills. It’s really a beautiful balance. We need both. Dads matter.

My dad taught me wisdom and strength. I hear his voice still, even though he’s not with us anymore. So even though the kids may not seem to ‘hear,’ I promise you, they are listening. Keep teaching! A father is a leader. Oh how we need great fathers.

It’s a tough job, so on Father’s Day, let’s cheer for ALL the fathers out there, doing what they can to help make the world better.

PS. I know first hand in working with wonderful men, they are really trying to do their best. Their hearts are huge and they love their children more than anything. Let us all allow them this.

All my love,
K 💛

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

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