Be impeccable with your word

Hello darling!

This book I read years ago and still live by the principles. The book is The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.

I know you're busy and may not have time to read the whole book, so over the next 4 weeks I’ll summarize each one for ya!

I suggest you grab a post-it and get it up where you can see it daily. This really helps cement it in your brain. Re-programming is what we’re doing here.

Living by these principles will create a better life for you and will contribute to a better world.

You matter, what you say matters and you are very powerful.


You and I have felt the power of another's words and have given this power to others. And not always in a good way. Meaning - the words we use affect people. Both good and bad depending on how we use them.

One hurtful word or sentence can create a belief that we can carry inside us for a long time. Know your power. What I try to do is remember that whatever I say to someone could stick to them. If what I say will create a negative tape they could potentially replay in their minds, I keep it to myself.

Most of the re-programming I’ve had to do (which is the process of replacing old negative beliefs and creating new beliefs) were deposited into me by someone else. Once you do the work to clear this out, you become very good at what you allow in. This also allows me to not contribute to adding more crap onto someone else’s pile of shit.

I like to think of my insides like a horse stall. It was messy and there was muck, so I had to shovel it all out. It took a while. It took effort and tears to clean up the mess. Once it was clean and someone said something hurtful, I was like no way I’m letting that in. I worked too hard to clean out this stall and so no thanks. Haha.

Our words can empower someone or wound them. Who do you want to be? Now that you are aware of the power of your words, please think before you speak. Is this going to help or hurt? This world needs more kindness and compassion. And I know you have both.

If you feel you may have contributed to hurting someone, try to look within, to see where you are hurting. You’ve heard me say, hurt people hurt people. And Wayne Dyer’s saying ‘what’s inside of you, will come out.’ This is about accountability and personal responsibility.

Now, here’s the tough part. Once you desire and commit to live this way, you’ll experience others who still do not. And that’s why the next agreement is, don’t take anything personally! And I’ll discuss that next week.

You are a sweet soul and very powerful. Be impeccable with your word this week.

I’m here for you if you need any help cleaning out your stall 😜

All my love to you,
K 💛

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

Don't take anything personally


Dads and daughters